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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tropical storm

Thunder crashes overhead
Raindrops pelt upon my head
Silver streaks of lightning flash
Thunderhead clouds together crash
Dark as hell the sky above
The Devil gives the world a shove
Steaming mangroves riverside
Roots like spider’s legs astride
Rain hits water, river meet
Floodplains wash beneath our feet
Puddles form, channels fill
The Devil scores “1”, others “Nil”

Trees bend beneath the weight
Leaves washed amid the spate
Corrugated roofs scream in pain
Battered by incessant rain
Despite the constant drenching stream
Humidity clings like Hades’ steam
Quake now with ancient fears
Scared to death of the Devil’s tears
There’s no need to be outdoors
Clothes soaked from sweating pores
They say that fear can make you sweat
The Devil is ready to take your bet

Huddle under mothers’ skirts
Ears covered, thunder hurts
Afraid to face the thing outside
Family myth comes alive
Try to recall if they’ve done wrong
Don’t want the Devil to take them along
Thunder booms from the Devil’s throat
Lightning bolts from his hands float
It’s the tears from his eyes when he’s in pain
That accounts for unremitting rain
These tales we need to ban
A tropical storm is God’s watering can.

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