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Sunday, July 6, 2008

The little things

I’d like to take time out
Think of life what it’s about
Do this at my leisure
Write words about life’s pleasure
So caught up in what I do
Never stop, listen or view

Little things can make your day
Laughter of children at play
Evening on a quiet porch
Kids under bedclothes with a torch
Feel chills in morning air
When a loved one strokes your hair

Little things make you smile
Think of a lover for a while
Dog chases its tail in the park
Lullaby of the morning lark
Friends together out for a trip
Someone who catches you when you slip

Little things we say
“Please,” “Thank you”, make someone’s day
Take a walk by a silver stream
Wake smiling from a lovely dream
White diamonds on a blue sea
Friendly hum of a bumble bee

Little things that we do
Bring people closer to you
Warm smile, friendly face
Lack of arrogance, full of grace
Sweet hello on the telephone
Hugs from family as you get home

Little things we often miss
Crowded room, secret kiss
Softness of a new babe’s cry
Growl of thunder in a leaden sky
Tinkle of ice in long cool drinks
Mischievous eye when someone winks

Little things create impressions
Babble of school-kids out from lessons
Clarity of stars in a desert night
When someone strives with all their might
Freshness inhaled in mountain air
Gentle sway of a rocking chair

Little things are often sounds
Bottles clank during the milkman’s rounds
Clatter of rain from a heavy downpour
Creaky movements of an old porch door
Deep bass sounds in a favourite song
Reverberating echo from a temple gong

Little things are indistinct
You’ll miss them if you blink
Widening ripples as trout take a leap
Moment your eyes close as you fall asleep
Slime of snot from a small kids nose
Will end up on his sleeve, I suppose

Little things come at you in a crowd
Sun’s rays splitting broken cloud
Fireflies glow in humid night
Snowfall turns everything white
Human voices sing as one
Vitality of people in unison

Little things happen all around
You’ll know them when they’re found
Fresh clean smell of a laundered sheet
Deep comfy feel of your favourite seat
Yellow glow from a candle’s light
Wet playfulness of your pet dog’s bite

Little things make up our lives
Golden honey fresh from hives
Love of a battered teddy bear
Family visit to the County fair
Mutual trust from a partners care
Honesty when your soul’s laid bare

Little things that make us sad
Admonish a child we think was bad
Pain you feel when you leave
Being alone on New Year’s Eve
Haunting melodies jog your memory
About the way things used to be

I’ve taken some time out
Thought what life is all about
I’ve done my thinking, had my say
Maybe we should change the way
We think about little things that are rife
Rediscover pleasures of living this life.

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